For the second design I wanted to go for a style that showed a modern society look to the postcard, this is what I came up with. I associate this with a modern society, because the way the postcard I laid out. The postcard is only made up from letters with the Optima font, and placed in different directions, and colours to give this interesting effect. I like that the there are many different colours, although they all work well with each other. I like that you can see some letters only over other letters. I created this using Photoshop, and overlay many of the letters so that this would show on some characters, and not on others. I thin that the postcard is too busy, and too crowded, I think if I place less characters on the postcard this would look brilliant. Another area that I think I should change is that the Optima word is too small, and this should have the most attention. An area that I do like is the 'F' and the 'P', I like how they change colour from red to black as they overlap another letter. I think this is a really good effect, and works really well.

This is another version I created, I wanted to remove some of the letters to make it less crowded. Making this have less characters would hopefully create more attention to the Optima word, although I think this works, I still think that the Optima needs to have more attention. Maybe increasing the size might help, or removing the amount of colour from the 'T' might also increase attention. I think this postcard looks brilliant, and I think it is an improvement to the first version. I like the colours that I have used, and I think this looks very professional, and merges well together. I like the different effects that have been added on some of the characters for example; the top right of the postcard.

In this version I have removed the amount of colour in the 'T' to see if this helped the postcard. I have also increased the size of the Optima too, so this would become more noticeable. I think this version looks a lot better, and could possible be one of my final pieces. I think this image looks clam, relaxing, and professional.
With this version I wanted to try creating the postcard landscape. What I did was rotate it 90 degrees. I then changed the layout slightly to fit the landscape design. I changed where the Optima was, as if I left it it was too hard to read as it was at an angle. I decided to move it to fit along the 'L'. I think this is a good area to place the Optima if the postcard is landscape. I think in this postcard there is too much colour, and this is too in your face', if I reduce the brightness of the postcard I think this would look like an interesting effect to the postcard.

I think this version looks a lot better, the colour of the postcard has become more friendly, and looks more interesting with characters fading in and out of each other. The letters merge a lot better with each other, and I think the characters overlaying makes an unusual effect to the postcard. This postcard could be a final piece option.
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