Wednesday 30 November 2011

History of Type


Written language first started off at symbols and shapes from the ancient Egypt. The first symbols that would be used to describe something were first seen around 2000 BC. This was the alphabetical language of the Egyptians, hieroglyphs. Most other alphabets had evolved from this, or were inspired by its design. One language most of all that followed the design of the hieroglyphs was the Greek alphabet. In the third century they had found a script that had involved three languages, Hieroglyphics, Hieratic script and the Greek Alphabet.

This Stone is called the "The Rosetta Stone", and has been classed as one of the most famous discoveries due to the three languages all on the same script. You can see how the language has evolved thought the different eras. You can also see similarities of our language from the Greeks language, as you can recognise some of the letters on the script.
(The Rosetta Stone)

The Greek alphabet was developed since 730 BC (8th century of BC). The Greek alphabet is the ancestor of many languages in Europe, and Middle Eastern            (Ancient Greek alphabet)                                                                              languages. The Greek alphabet  has been changed              from its ancient form to its Modern Greek alphabet. The ancient from of the Greek alphabet was written with only a single majuscule (Upper case) to create each letter. The Greek alphabet then created a second set of characters which were minuscule (Lower case). These second set of letters were developed during the middle ages, therefore resulting in the modern day system we have now with upper and lower case characters.Modern Greek is known as Ρωμαίικα (Roman). The Roman alphabet is the language that most modern day languages use. The Roman language was first originally used to write Latin.

Symbol   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L     M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   V   X Y Z
Latin name of letter: ā ē ef ī el em en ō er es ū ex ī Graeca zēta

Latin was the old language that the Romans used to speak, although now days this language has become a "dead language" as most people do not write or speak this. Latin is the mother of all Roman languages and is the language of the Vatican city. People in the Roman Catholic Church still use the Latin language so they can communicate if they speak different types of languages. Latin is also used by zoologists, and botanists to name new species of plants and living animals. They would also give a modern name to the species as well in the modern language. When deciding on a new Latin name, this would be a precise agreed definition to the new species. The names that would be used in science or medicen would be words that have been created from other words, or that are Latin words themselves. There were two types of Latin, classic Latin and Vulgar Latin. Classic Latin was the language used by educated Roman's, and was also used by the Catholic Church. Vulgar Latin was used by the more common spoken Roman's 

(Latin language)

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