Monday 21 November 2011

Optima Final Design

The design I have chosen will be this design:

I chose this postcard because I think this looks professional, and neat. I like how simple the postcard looked. Another are that I like is that each letter is spaced out evenly, and placed in the same area below. I think this postcard looks neat, and professional. I think the black and white work well and draws you in to the postcard. I think this is an interesting postcard. The reason why I have included the letters at the bottom is to emphasis that the font is very smooth, and flowing. I think the font flows very well, and links in with each character well. I like how in some areas of the characters it ends sharply, and other areas it finishes with a soft flick. The mixture of both of these work really well, and creates a good looking effect to the postcard.

On the there is a small description of the font, and also the St Bride Library details. I have also added an area to place the stamp, and lines to write. I think this is a good back design, as this is simple, although still looks attractive, and gives a good effect. I have kept with the front design with the letters at the bottom, although faded them out so this would not look distracting. I think this is a good design, and a good postcard.

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