Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Otimpa Postcard designs

Design 1:

Well first I wanted to design the whole postcard with the font Optima. I wanted to see how the card would look with just typography, and if I could develop this design further to make a more interesting, and effective design.

Here was the first design I thought of. I wanted to show the shape of the font. As this type face is very smooth, and soft looking, I thought I would add the same effect in the background so this would link in with the font. I think this is very basic, and needs maybe an image or more colour in the postcard to make it look more interesting.

I decided to change the background slightly, so this would make the background more interesting. I choose white, becuase I thought that this would look good against the white font. I have also added a small quote at the bottom saying "the way forward...". I added this is, becuase the white light from the right, looks like that is the future. I was also trying to advertise the font more.

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